Healthy online communites are established with guidelines and expectations. (course work)

A recent submission to my elearning course. Defining participant guidelines and expectations from the beginning of a course helps to establish several things within an online course community. “Building Communities–Strategies for Collaborative Learning,” By Soren Kaplan (August 2002)[i], states these guides: Establish operating norms explaining “…guidelines for online and offline etiquette and obtain agreement on […]

Online courses demand more time management and independent motivation. (course work)

A recent submission to my elearning course. I have personally found that online courses definitely take much more time to fully participate within and therefore demand greater time management and determination then a classroom base setting. Classroom based courses tend to have a set amount of reading, homework and in class participation that is fairly […]

Facilitating online communication and/or learning (course work)

A recent submission to my elearning course. Facilitators need a large supply of skills to help keep them on top of their online environments and keep them apprised of the communication and learning that is taking place among their learners. Audrey Choden wrote in an article[i] for “According to Australia’s Natural Training Authority (now […]

Limiting the use of audio or video if you use it at all. (course work)

A recent submission to my elearning course.ELearning designers are more and more frequently using a minimalist approach to their courses. From a technological viewpoint: “…limited bandwidth has a direct impact on the sophistication of technology thatcourses can use. Niceties such as audio, video, animation, simulations, andgames eat up more bandwidth, may require plug-ins or Java […]

77 Ways to Learner Better, Deeper and Better

Searching for information about how we learn from others as part of my final assignment for my current course, I came across this blog from 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better It has some interesting points through out it and I wanted to keep it for later and share it as well.

What if the internet was gone?

Spencer Kelly from the BBC’s programme Click, reports (June 15, 2007)on the “Warnings of ‘Internet Overload’“. His concerns stem from the YouTube generation and the need for instant access to streaming video. Spencer reports that the data that YouTube emits each day is equal to 75 million emails. Years ago when only text was flying […]

Paul Potts and the Power of YouTube

Well Paul is still singing strong on Britian’s Got Talent. One clip of his first performance was on YouTube last week on June 10th and in the morning had 20,000 viewings, by 9:00pm that night it had 199,000+ viewings. Today, 4+ days later…1,273,855 Here is a clip of his second performance for the semi-finals. Posted […]

Another initiative, more work, more learning, and then more revisions

I did a presentation at the beginning of June for a network group that I belong to. The presentation was introducing my colleagues to the world of blogs, wikis, rss, collaborative spaces, booking marking, etc. Using my new found knowledge from various online & Guild presentations (Brent, Tony, Keith, Lee) I delivered the information flawlessly. […]

Paul Potts – Britain’s Got Talent

Ok this is way off track, but every so often something really strikes you, moves you and you just need to share it. I couldn’t get the video to play here directly so I’ll just add the link: A friend shared this with me and I just have to share it with you. I don’t […]

Another Wiki and this one’s working!!!

So my first attempt at a wiki hasn’t gone so well. It’s up, beautiful, and user friendly. But hasn’t had one letter added to it. Not even an comma. So I took another crack at one today, but for a different purpose. We have a management retreat coming up shortly and there were 3 pre-retreat […]