I use a nice little feature of Google called Google Alerts. If you haven’t discovered it yet, you can put various key words/phrases and if they come up during the day/week in blogs, videos, news sites, websites, etc., then an email is sent to your inbox as a notification. I have my name and blog set up this way and it lets me know if I get mentioned some where. (As a bit of a side note here…because I put in my name I get a lot of basketball articles…lol).
So why do I bring this up….Janet Clarey posted a wonderful comprehensive list last week called Recap: Women in the edublogosphere 2007. She very kindly included my blog in the list and my alerts let me know. Janet brings up a good point in that women bloggers tend to be a little less “HERE I AM” and she’s taken it upon herself to help us all be heard. She compiled a great list of some very fascinating bloggers all of which are women (mostly education based), and all of which are worthy of taking a visit to their blogs.