Well, I was last year working on an elearning certificate from the Univeristy of Calgary. I was able to complete the core courses, however, they dropped the certificate from their roster and I have been unable to pick up the rest of the courses that I need.
I have just proudly enrolled into the University of Toronto and into thier Elearning Certificate program. I’m quite excited for many reasons. One is that it gave me a SUPER-GREAT reason to buy a new computer. That and the fact that a family member killed my old one. (I might even be actually able to get Second-Life to work on my computer now, I could barely get to the info screens previously). Second, is that the people in my class all seem to be really interesting, all enrolled for very different reasons, but all working towards something exciting in elearning. Third, it’s just always fun to continue to expand your mind through new people, new experiences and new adventures.
I’m sure you’ll all look forward to my papers required for these courses.