I was a little disappointed with my self and my postings over the last year, mostly the last half of the year. They became fewer and fewer as I became more consumed with work. It’s nice to be really busy, especially with the outlook of economic lows ahead. However, being too distracted with work hindered my learning from and networking with others. My reading of other blogs dwindled and with that my learning decreased which ultimately lead to me posting fewer items to my blog.I am looking forward to a new year with my RSS reader cleaned out and ready for a whole new load of information ready for my eager eyes to scan through. There is one catch however, it’s nice to start fresh but one must develop a plan for actually keeping up with the growing or over-growing amount of information that gets passed through the reader.
My plan is to learn from others and dump out those feeds that I truly only scan the headlines of and rarely look deeper into, this should hopefully make my inbox a little leaner. Second, I have set aside an hour at the end of each day (I find there are more posts then) to read through feeds and post my own thoughts. When I first started blogging I was writing once a day. I would like to get back to that habit, but we’ll see if 3 times a work week is more feasible.
I’m hoping that this will work well for the upcoming year. I’ll need to revisit “the plan” in a month to see if it is actually working. A little more than an hour may be necessary or work might be all consuming still and not allow me any time. Fingers crossed on this resolution.
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Tracy, when it comes to writing on my blog, I think consistency is more important than the sheer number of posts. So my broad goal is around 4 per week, but I don’t lose too much sleep in weeks I don’t hit that.
As for the coming year, one of the quotes in my collection is, “There’s always room for improvement. It’s the biggest room in the house.” I can get dismayed or discouraged by the improvement that’s always lying around, waiting to happen, but this is a reminder that there ain’t no time machines. You can’t go back and do things differently.