I’m going nuts lately trying to take 6 topics of core training that we have to give to staff and turn it all into elearing in a matter of a month. Currently the material is all in Word format and has been presented, tested, and marked that way for 6 years. I’m so grateful that it’s going online, but if the staff think it’s nuts to complete they should trying seeing what it is like to create the content.
After looking at the (what seems like) billionth page of bullet points I’m losing my edge as to another creative way to integrate the material into the course. For one particular section, instead of having them look through points or simply click through slides, I created this Articulate Quiz that has a series of fill in the blank questions. Instead of having them drag or type the word to complete these sentence I created a series of hotspot questions.
It was a simple way to use very simple graphics and swap them out one after another for each question. For those questions that I couldn’t find the “right” graphic for in that particular clipart series I went with just a simple word instead. I’m happy to share the quiz/interaction here and the clipart I used was from Microsoft Clipart – Style 1541. I’d also be very appreciative of any/all feedback or comments. Sometimes one worries that they may have simplified the task too much for the audience of learners.