I’m a little late in posting this week’s top 10, but here you go. Once again this list is based on creativity, humour, sarcastic wit, and costume design.
#lrnchat – Fact. Tonight’s session had 770 tweets.
Q0) We begin w/ a #lrnchat welcome: What have you learned today? If nothing fabulous, what have you learned this week?
08:49:54 pm dpelkins: Q0) Learned something extra super cool this week, but I’m not allowed to talk about it yet. #lrnchat
(now that’s just a tease)
Q1) What games do we play? #lrnchat
04:52:33 pm KristiBroom: Q1) I love clicking buttons and seeing what happens. Luckily, things don’t often blow up. #lrnchat
Q2) What are the most tedious (or stressful) tasks related to your work? #lrnchat
08:56:51 pm minutebio: Q2) Playing helpdesk with WBT participants and LMS users #lrnchat
09:00:46 pm Quinnovator: Q2) stupid proprietary format incompatibilities. Grr… #lrnchat
Q3) If we were to play our work as a game, what would be some of the rules? #lrnchat
09:09:12 pm kelly_smith01: Q3) As in Monopoly, I am the banker. #lrnchat
09:10:38 pm elearningguy: Q3) exponential points for solving learning challenges with never-before-tried solutions (without first getting permissions) #lrnchat
09:11:17 pm mrch0mp3rs: Q3) Beard Rules: 3. Strike hard, strike fast, no mercy, keep moving, repeat. #lrnchat
Q4) If work was a game, what would be the power-ups (items that give you extra power or make you feel better)? #lrnchat
09:22:12 pm LnDDave: Q4) My PLN is my Power Up. #lrnchat
09:26:35 pm dpelkins: Q4) Who knew? Q3 and Q4 have the same answer: juice and cookies! #lrnchat
Q5) How would you recruit your allies if work was a game? #lrnchat
09:32:48 pm elearningguy: Q5) Come to the dark side. We have cookies. #lrnchat
09:33:46 pm mrch0mp3rs: Q5) Ask yourself (as I do)… what would The Beard do? #lrnchat
Now I want juice and cookies too. (Tips for making the top 10 list, I can be bribed with milk and cookies – just a thought).