Well Yeee Haaa!!! I’m finally getting my training as administrator for our new LMS. I’ve been collaborating, or to put it more accurately, giving my two cents in on the new intranet that is 80% ready to go. We’ve got our layout all set up with minor fixes to change. The content needs to be inputted or transferred from our old site. We are surprising still scheduled for a January launch.

And now…..the LMS. Now that we have an intranet look and feel, the LMS design has be created so that the two compliment one another. I finally get some training on how to use the system and design courses. If all goes according to plan, it too will be up and running January. I’m a little less optimistic about that, but if it’s before March I’ll be ecstatic.

I’m even going to be thrilled if it purely is a management system for a while with no elearning. I need some sort of concrete package to track all our training and in a hospital you can image that there are lots of different programs going on all the time.

I shall keep you posted as events unravel around this new adventure.

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