Oh I was warned, but did I truly listen….I guess not. I’ve been putting off writing this post purely because of how discouraged I am at our entire LMS launch.

We have now been advised that the great change that was suppose to take our insufficient email to a whole new wonderful level, has in fact put us back right where we were. We were over capacity with accounts:server space. The new system and server were to fix this, but the new system has gone over capacity in a matter of months due to an unforeseen glitch (every time one sends an attachment organization wide…it gets copied onto the server X number of times…guess how bogged down the system is?).

So what bearing has this got on the LMS? Well, because of the server/email issues the organization wide roll out of email for all (and usernames/passwords) is not happening when expected. This in turn is blocking us from creating an extranet (intranet available at home) and that in turn is not allowing external access to our LMS.

We are now at a point of…..what now?!? We have a few options from which to choose.

  1. We can use the system purely as a course registration and tracking system for educators and my department (Organization Development).
  2. We can use it for point 1 + elearning for internal staff access only (limited students allowed to access)
  3. We can purchase an external host to host the LMS giving all staff (home) access.
  4. We can put off the launch until we are completely ready to go full out.

So we have many ideas which each have their positives and negatives. Frankly I’m a little overwhelmed and discouraged by it all. I’ve decided a holiday is the best way to cope with it all.

With that, I’m hosting one more education session in an hour for our educators and then I’m off for a week. Perhaps I’ll have a brilliant idea while sipping fancy drinks in pineapples with umbrellas coming out of them. I shall continue the LMS saga shortly for you.

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