I mentioned at the beginning of the new year that one of the things I wanted to try to do this year was get back into my regular routine of reading my various feeds to which I subscribe. However, over the last little while as my unread feed counter climbed from 500+ to 1000+ to….well it just doesn’t even tell me now. Mostly my reader just feels completely neglected.

I decided tonight (while avoiding other stuff that also feels neglected and trying not to think about the foot of snow I’ll be waking upto in the morning) that I should go through my various feeds and start weening out the ones that do not give me something that pertains to my learning regularly. Now that may seem harsh and you may ask “Doesn’t every new article give you something to learn?” That is true, but once you being focusing in on a few topics I beleive you tend to develop a little “learning plan” whether we realize it or not.

I started using feeds for the purpose of learning more about elearning tools, technology, techniques, etc. I then expanded that to a few other topics that interested me…and in trying to avoid being termed (as my fiance effectionally calls me) a nerd. I now realize “MY NAME IS TRACY AND I HAVE A PROBLEM” I have far far too many feeds to keep up on. I figure that some other blog or article lead me to some of these feeds for one reason or another. I thought enough of them to keep them for a while and I believe something will lead me to go to these feeds and read them again.
For now, however, I need to get my feeds down to a more manageable number with more pure content that will help me to continue down my learning path. To all those I have read and kept, and to all those I have read and will read again thank you for being a part of that path.

0 Responses

  1. I had to do the same thing. I looked at the last 15-20 posts of a feed, if nothing was relevant to what I was doing at the time, I unsubscribed.

    Many of my feeds came from Stephen Downes’ feed reader list, so I don’t feel as guilty with unsubscribing. If something fantastic comes through related to OER and edublogging, he’ll post a link to it.

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