So I finally have a computer capable of loading and running Second Life on. (thanks mom for crashing my old one) So I made my little character. Fixed her hair. Changed her clothes. Flew around a bit. Then suddenly I realized something…..I was getting a headache, I was feeling unwell, I was a little dizzy, and slightly nautious.

I was getting motion sick sitting still in my chair. I do know I experience this a lot when playing video games. I’m one of those people that when playing a driving game needs to hold the PS3 controller way out to the left or right if I want to steer the car around a corner. So its no wonder I felt ill staring deep into my screen trying to figure out if my avatar had just the right shade of lipstick to match her shoes. It was also completely logical when I started flying around the limited places I could.

Note to self: Sit back, relax, don’t stare so deeply and intently, get up from the computer more often.

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