I came across SlideShare through a post by Cathy Moore. Cathy’s “5 ways to make linear navigation more interesting” is not only a great post beacuse of the information she shared, but in the way she shared it. She didn’t just type text into the post, she used SlideShare to share with everyone a great little presentation she created about linear navigation.

It was a great elearning experience in that I knew exactly by the end of the reading what she was trying to explain. Navigating through the presentation using the same concepts she was describing clearly illustrating the point she was explaining as I read.

From there I began to explore other great slide shows including the one she references as another great example, by Janet Clarey, of making linear navigation more interesting – “Meet Charlene“. It too demonstrated a presentation that I wanted to click through to learn more about the topic. In the end I was happy to see that this presentation showed exactly how I was feeling in my home vs. work experience in relation to web 2.0 applications. I’ll need to share this with my boss and training network.

Great job Cathy and Janet.

0 Responses

  1. Tracy, I’m glad you liked the slideshow. I had fun putting it together. Although the Slideshare site is sometimes slow, I think it’s a great way to share ideas. As you saw, there are several other elearning presentations on the site, plus many presentations with marketing ideas that could be applied to elearning.

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