Using QR Codes, semacode, shotcode, colorcode

Will take off in North America more so once we have more apps & phones using them – but still waiting to learn applications for elearning. This is new, up & coming. There are many different types of codes and not one yet is the fore runner to what will come forward as the best or most useful one.

These codes are quite prevalent in Japan.

QR – Quick Respone Codes
cellphone uses the camera that is has built in. Any size. Centre within screen. The QR code may take you to a web site, send you a text message, many different things.

The QRcode holds much more information because it is 2D

Here is a QR code for my site: qrcode

Here is a data code (Nokia) for my site:

Scanlife – is a free download application or Kawya.

Something else in the cluster of tools that we can begin to utilize more and more often for elearning or for further information. (wine labels, food wrappers – contests, nutritional information) – standards on how to create, original intent was for shipping and handling in that they can be partially destroyed (on labels for example) yet the data will still come through as opposed to bar codes.

Also called 2d codes, QRcodes are one example of these standards.

Brent’s 2d Barcode Manifesto

2d barcodes potential limited only by imagination
mobile devices will define the game
readers integrated into the device
free barcode generators
avoiding fragmentation: emergence of global de-fracto standards
avoiding patent wars
avoiding the “tragedy of anticommons” (too many out there becomes too much of a good thing)
Data Matrix & QR Code emerge as standars (so far..)
unleashing user-driven innovation
enabling 3rd party innovation

Sometimes you should be able to hold up a code to your webcam and scan the code as well.

Wanting eLearning to be more on the fore front of many of these technologies and this could possibly be one of these tools that we need to explore and start learning and developing.

These can greatly lower the barriers to gathering more information – (having to type urls on phones, small buttons, double pressing, everyone all ready has a phone – no need to buy more equipment)

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