Stefan’s involvement – design for music, socially responsible design, corporate design, authors

Design for music:
Casa da Musica (sp?) – building is a logo itself, looking at it from various angles. Using software to capture the colour from any image they use these colours plotted on to one of the “various angle shots” and use these as logos for the music, the corp, the president, etc. From Chopin concerts to clubing events to parking garage designs.

Socially responsible design
A group wanting to cut defence budget to education budget. Group is run by corporate presidents.
-inflatable bar charts
-commercial – pen is mightier than the sword
– cars looking like piggy banks – largest one is the military budget, smallest trailer being towed is education, cost the same as one page add in paper
-“topsyturvy” bus, similar to the budget
-blimp shopping – still in the works

Corporate design
-heated molded cover that allowed them to show the “power of light” – shot under various lighting conditions

Things I’ve learned so far…..
– a different quality to ideas that you explore with no pressure
– this must apply to many different roles where creativity exists and needs to exist
(9-3 is client work – the rest is experimental work [ie: google])

– realization that all that a design studio does is about promoting and developing, but that ratio is not right

– clients were willing to allow them to “just be creative”, some sense of unlimited freedom. Given the task to design anything for a 6 page spread in magazine.

Designers can just solve a problem from more subjective views, but more and more is becoming boring.

Keeping a diary since he was 12, all of these statements he scribed and took out of it. Then used many of these to create powerful images, billboards, and videos that various places/industries have acquired that match the statements they need to express.

He shared these statements and accompanying images with us:

“Everything I do comes back to me” – other designers tool this and redesigned it as well for other functions.

– second task was a billboard that they could do anything with
“Trying to look good limits my life.”

“Everybody thinks they are right.” – magazine cover (dueling men peeing into the air to write these words….yes you read that right”

Bali – after the bombing in the night club where 200 people lost their lives, was more than that because most people lost their jobs as well because the tourism was completely stopped and gone. Their response was no retaliation, however all responsible for the act have been arrested.

“Helping other people helps me”

“Over time I get used to everything and start taking it for granted.”

“Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.” – as billboard faded and there was nothing left, No more complaining.

“Worrying solves nothing”

“Everybody who is honest is interesting.”

“Keeping a diary supports personal development”

“If I want to explore a new direction professionally it is helpful to try it out for myself first.” – a year of discovery without clients

“Assuming is stifling”

“Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses”

“Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid I have to live now”

“Starting a charity is surprisingly easy”

“Being not truthful works against me” – spider web

“Low expectations are a good strategy” – Miami beach

“Money does not make me happy” – wrapped a casino linz with this,

“Self confidence produces fine results”

Website – Things I’ve Learned in my Life .com

“Having guts always works out for me.” – I always have to talk my self into having the never to do stuff.

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