So I was convinced by my friend Angela and by a presentation that I went to by Alan Levine (“I’m busy enough…What do I need Second Life for?”) that I should maybe give this Second Life thing a second chance.

I found it hysterical that Angela and Alan had both said that they love to dance in SL. Alan describe that just creating your avatar can take hours to prefect if you really want to test it all out. Creating an object like a coffee cup can apparently take just as long. A good real life reference to this is that I couldn’t just go into my kitchen and make a mug. It would take me hours as well to get the clay and mold it and fire it, glaze it, etc., etc. So why would we expect it to take minutes in SL.

One of the issues I had mentioned to Angela and in a previous post was my propensity to get motion sick when game screen spin around a lot. After the presentation and the fun notion of dancing when no one is looking or when I don’t have that half-a-drink too many in me, made it all sound a little more intriguing. So I’ve given it another try and I hope to Angela’s much happiness I capture myself dancing. I have no idea where I (Sessifet Fittinger) am, but I figured out how to do it.

I’m not completely happy yet with my appearance, but it’s getting there, and no it’s not the pink hair I’m unhappy about. It’s the silly flip-flops.

I am hoping to walk around more and explore some of the more intriguing learning aspects that Second Life has to offer. However, for my first trip of Orientation Island I’m happy to wander and dance.

0 Responses

  1. If you’re unhappy with your shoes, see if Lyr Lobo (Cynthia Calongne) has some freebies to share. She’s a prof at Colorado Technical University and always seems to have lots of cool stuff to give away. I got fun prim hair from her last year. She teaches several courses in Second Life and is a mentor for the students at Suffern Middle School on the teen grid. If you let her know you’re interested in learning more about SL for education, I’m sure she’ll share. 🙂

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