So much is going on right now I haven’t been around here in quite some time. Work has me so frazzled that my moment, today I think will have to be a bit of a rant.

The small team I’ve been working on has been madly trying to find all the bugs, kinks and errors that are ever present in our new intranet and document management system. Of course just as we think we’ve identified one problem and sent it to the vendor to fix, we find another. We’re really close though and have married ourselves to going live June 3rd. Matt, Sandra and I have our fingers very tightly crossed and a bottle of vodka near by just in case of an emergency.

I’ve been going crazy trying to populate not only my department’s pages for the intranet, but also all the material for the education section. One day the education section will be the LMS, but until I get that sorted out I’ve been forced to put every education event I could get my hands on in as an individual page. I sent out a mass email to the organization asking them to fill out a spread sheet with information on the courses/training they provide. I want the intranet to be a one-stop shop for finding all education opportunities the hospital offers. However, I guess the spread sheet (driven directly from fields in the LMS) was too complicated. Go Figure!

I then set a second mass email telling staff to send me the flyers they’ve already created for training events. What do you know….a better response. So my education catalogue slightly resembles something that a staff member may search through to find a training event. I think it will take them a great deal of time to search through, but at least it is a start.

As for the LMS. Where do I start!?! I’ve had a meeting with the company that they want to start planning exactly how we are going to roll out the product, populate it with data, etc. etc. That was suppose to be last week. The intranet, not yet being live, has set me back a bit again with even starting the project. My supervisor flip-flops each day in support of ditching the LMS and finding another (my preferred choice, but now feel every choice is doomed).

I’ve started yet another college course. Back to the beginning of a certificate. I’m hoping this school doesn’t drop the certificate before I finish as did the last institution.

Finally, life has been wonderful in giving me a new house in 10 more sleeps. It’s about 20 minutes from where I currently live, but it’s one of those “if you live in this town, you don’t want to move to that town, it’s not nearly as good” situations. I’ve been jaded since a teenager and need to get rid of the bias of the new town. Funny how these thoughts get implanted into us when we are young.

I’m sure there’s much more since the last time I wrote however, all of this has kept me from writing here as I should and from sleeping at night.

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