I’m finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on one task at a time, let alone complete one and before I move onto the next. Am I normal for my generation; a product of my environment; has work forced be to be this way; is it just too much info all at once? I’m just not sure any more.

I certainly know, as it seems to be discussed more and more that information overload is bogging us down. I never believed that it was really happening. I felt like I was thriving learning more and more. I was excited to read, hear, see the next big thing or learn more about a topic I that found really interesting. I also never believed that I couldn’t multitask and still get everything done that needed to be finished.
I now think, as 2008 is coming to a close, that I feel more drained then I have in a very long time. I feel that little has been accomplished. I’ve started a lot of projects, but have I really completed them to my full potential. I’m not sure. Even when I think of housework, something simple, something just for me….I fly around the house from one bit to another….clean a sink, wait spot on the mirror, do that….do another mirror, do another mirror….lint on the floor, better vacuum…back to sinks…. Eventually it gets done, but the process is crazy.
How did I get this way? It may be a bit because of my work. Rarely does a day go by where I can sit there an concentrate on just one task. There are phone and email interruptions both of which must be answered immediately. For some reason a culture has developed at my work where if a call/email is not answered immediately the person will try another method to reach you. I’ve even had people come to my office if I don’t answer them within 30 minutes. There are the constant drop ins asking questions and usually they are about something irrelevant to the task at hand. I sit an area of the hospital where there are frequent visitors and patients that often need assistance with just logging on the computer. You can not tell them to wait, that is not an option.
And so wrapping up 2008 I seem to have my LMS at least in my grubby hands, but not yet functioning at a level that will make my users or instructors completely happy. I have started to create 2 different elearning courses, but haven’t completed either. In case the LMS isn’t a go in Jan. ’09 then I’ve started creating 5 other courses for paper distribution. Oh and even if the LMS does work who’s to stay everyone is going to access it anyway….the paper distribution better be ready any way. I’ve hosted 6 orientation sessions over the year. I did run a conference for our staff in April, but I’m back planning (in bits and pieces) the one for next April.
I’m feeling a bit like I’m running in a hamster wheel right now. Once in a while I get out and breath for a moment, but then I’m right back in running my little feet off…..and my brain.

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