Ever just want to run away and escape from it all?
I just came from a meeting from our Emergency Planning dept. and have been so graciously informed that they are purchasing a system to ensure or emergency readiness. Great, sounds wonderful. I think we need that. The catch….it has an LMS built into it and they want to run it for just those courses. Ugg Why would we want 2 LMSs running in the organization?
One of the main reasons we even started on this journey was that our educators were getting concerned that they were each tracking the learning of their staff in a billion different ways. Know one knew what anyone was taking or had taken. This is especially a problem with several hundred transfers a month around the organization.
On that note…I don’t know how some of my peers cope with more than 3000 staff and multiple facilities. They should be praised.
I’m now in need of a desperate talk with my CIO to see what we can do, what we should do, where we should proceed. I’m quite concerned that when staff see/use this new LMS (it will be their first LMS experience and is scheduled to be up in several weeks) and then need to use my original LMS (yes they have yet to actually see it) they will be very confused and will be drawn to the new system as it is (as my IT buddy calls it) a much “sexier” system.
I’m confused already and neither system has launched. I’m also quite concerned about the potential of having two areas of administration. Historically our department (or I should say me) has been responsible for the administration of our Core Curriculum (6 mandatory courses that must be sent out to all staff each year). This new system would be responsible for only 2-3 of those courses. That makes little sense as well and would only duplicate much of my work.
I now need to desperately have a meeting with my director and my CIO to get these concerns on the table asap as this new system seems to be a go whether I like it or not.

0 Responses

  1. I too have a similar problem in that our HR system now has available a L&D module with apparently “does e-learning”. What no one cares to investigate is that yes, it will “link” to an e-learning course, but it does not do the many other things that is done by the LMS (like tracking for one). Does not help that some of our management are now out spruiking it and when one was questioned in a meeting with quite a number of senior staff “what about the LMS”, the response was “the what?”

    Maybe it is just a “healthcare” thing.

    Keep smiling.

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