Well frankly, not much is new at all, hence my reasoning for not posting anything in quite some time. My LMS pilot came and went. I’m now waiting for the vendor to complete the second phase of changes to the system. I was given a first set to review, did so and gave more feedback. As soon as the next set comes then we’ll be very close to being able to launch the system for real onto the organization.

That is a very frightening thought. This has been one of my key areas of focus for the last 2 years and now it’s finally coming to and end. Launching the LMS is going to be an entirely new problem. So many of our staff are not very computer savvy. There is a large lack of computers in the organization for staff to use so we’re going to have to rely on them using them at home. However, the LMS isn’t precisely available that way so a band aid solution of some sort will need to be created. Oh my head is spinning already.

To divert myself from this headache I’ve taken on hosting 2 webinars from our office. We’ve never done this before so I find it quite exciting. The only issue I see so far though is lack of registration. Only 16 staff were invited from a satellite area and out of those 16 only 3 have signed up. I guess that may be a good selling point though to the presenters. If they were to do the presentations in person it would have been a one hour drive to the facility to present to 3 people. At least by doing this as a webinar we’ve cut down on travel, gas, and time. All three of those factors more then “triple-negate” (if I can say that) the cost for one month of purchasing the webinar platform.

Today I have test runs with each presenter so it should be interesting. I’m hoping for a big success here as I would love to continue to run more. I’d love to hear from anyone that perhaps ran a webinar of a live event that was happening within there facility. I’m curious how or even if this is a good idea. I’m unsure as I’ve only ever sat in on webinars that were just that; schedule to only be a webinar and not a “broadcast” of another event.

Cheers everyone to a long and sunny July.

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