Notes taken during today’s online discussion.

Participants thoughts of PLEs

What are the problems that PLEs solve?

(PLE Example) Skip Ward Houston:

Participant thought – “A PLE provides a way to think about how learning is happening to me. I don’t have to be here to learn.  I choose to be here.  I choose the tools I want to use here.  A PLE let’s be approach the learning in a what that is physically and mentally occurring in similar ways.”

MOOC – demonstrates the incoheresion that exists in learning


Learning literacy that a PLE Supports:

PLEs develop and have you create pattern recognition

Within your environment you analyzing items (learning elements) as they come in and you aren’t just remembering and aggregating them, but you are recognizing patterns and you develop your own “categorizing” of forms, rules, similarities, and principles” between all the items that come in.  You are performing a cognitive task.

This pattern creation explains what I have been doing (in my opinion) when I collect info from my social networks and collect it into EVERNOTE. I seem to be able to retrieve the info even though I have thousands of items collected because of the patterns I have developed. Didn’t know until now…this is how I was doing it.

Tracy Parish: This pattern creation explains what I have been doing (in my opinion) when I collect info from my social networks and collect it into EVERNOTE.  I seem to be able to retrieve the info even though I have thousands of items collected because of the patterns I have developed.  Didn’t know until now…this is how I was doing it.

Lisa M Lane: the further I go into pattern recognition/creation, though, the more I lose my control of the specific content – I often can’t find it again

Moderator (George Siemens): Here’s a short post on how I manage information:
and more about “narratives of coherence”

Jenny Mackness: “Worried about “knocking” teachers, many are very talented and are working against the constraints of systems and are being brilliant in the way they are doing it.”
Moderator (George Siemens): RESPONSE – the more structure a system the more tasks and roles required.  This creates “we have to do it this way”. The old way is a good structured teacher with good outcomes gets the acknowledgement first.
Moderator (George Siemens):
Moderator (Stephen Downes): The Role of the Educator:

Tracy Parish: Great post from Thomas Baker in conjunction to Stephen’s Huffington post

What do we need to be aware moving forward with PLEs?

LeahGrrl: Moderator (George Siemens): @leah – thanks for that link! “Programming is the new literacy of the digital age”

Cris2B: I don’t think we’d be talking about PLEs today if Web 2.0 had not opened up the Internet

Moderator (George Siemens): Web 2.0 opened access to the net, made it more accessible to all, but closed it as well.  Far easier to create an account in Facebook then it is sometimes to create a WordPress blog.  Not open in terms of “free speech.”

keith.hamon: Interesting link about effort to create a distributed network:

Moderator (Stephen Downes): Connecting one account to others is difficult.  Facebook is doing this well though.
Moderator (George Siemens): The connections are what created value in PLEs.  The knowledge is created by the connections at a minimum.  Everytime Facebook manages to link to something else it gets users more integrated, more “locked in” or “invested into” the service.  Moderator (Stephen Downes): a ‘connective lock-in’
Moderator (Stephen Downes): There is zero support for a PLE out there because there are so many players who want to *own* the connections. 

The knowledge is the connection.  If Facebook is the connection, it owns the knowledge and ownership of the connection is everything is this present society.

Lisa M Lane: ownership of the means of connection

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